PM30111,30124 Pharmaceutical Analysis (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
This course is to provide a rigorous background in those chemical principles that are particularly important to analytical chemistry.
PM15632 Anatomy
Microscopic and electron-microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organ systems, and gross structure of organ systems.
PM30125,30126 Applied Microbiology (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
This class is for the understanding of general concept, characteristics, and classification of microorganisms. For this, Lectures of this class are focused on the acquisition of knowledge about the microorganism-specific pysiological, molecularbiological, biochemical, genetical, ecological characteristics, which helps to understand the molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interaction and how to apply them for controlling the microbial infection and pathogenesis.
PM30494,30561 Physical Pharmacy (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
Fundamental principles of physical chemistry and their application to the pharmaceutical systems ; thermodynamics, surface phenomena, chemical kinetics, and pharmacokinetics.
PM30109,30110 Inorganic/Radiopharmaceuticals (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
In this course, we have two major objectives. First object is to understand how inorganic compounds are synthesized and how they are characterized in chemistry.
Second object is to understand how the inorganic compounds are used in clinically and what kinds of diseases are requiring these inorganic compounds for their treatments.
Second object is to understand how the inorganic compounds are used in clinically and what kinds of diseases are requiring these inorganic compounds for their treatments.
PM30113,30114 Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
The basic knowledge about biochemical reactions of living things will be lectured and properties of organic compounds and organic chemical reactions will be also treated.
PM30108,30119 Natural Medicines and Therapeutics (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)
Learning of Natural medicines Origin, History, Ingredients, favor, properties and Mechanism and so on.
PM21996,21997 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry (Ⅰ)
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in college of pharmacy whose educational needs can be best satisfied by two semester biochemistry course. Introductory chemistry, organic chemistry, and biology are highly recommended prerequisites for enrollment in this course. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry will introduce students to the general families of biomolecules that comprise biochemistry and the principles that integrate biochemistry with other chemical and biological disciplines.
PM30115 Introduction to Pharmacy and Ethics
This course is designed to provide the basis for beginning pharmacy students to develop an accurate and clear perspective on the pharmacy profession. This focuses on the core concepts of pharmacy practice, including the current and future roles and responsibilities of the pharmacist, patient-centered pharmaceutical care, communication skills, professionalism, and other critical legal and ethical issues that pharmacists confront in their daily practice. This presents a theoretical framework on which the student can develop professional competence as a future pharmacist.
PM30123 Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory ( Ⅰ )
A major objective of Pharmaceutical Qualitative analysis is to provide a rigorous background in those chemical principles that are particularly important to analytical chemistry. This couse is a laboratory course with a major supplement of class lectures.
During this course, students will analyze "unknown" samples using systmeical analysis methods.
During this course, students will analyze "unknown" samples using systmeical analysis methods.
PM30117 Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory ( Ⅱ )
Name and handling of basic apparatus for experiment, separation methods of various organic compounds, detection methods of reaction processing and a variety of reactions will be taught.
PM30851 Physiology
This course will discuss about the physiology of our body and help students to build up their knowledge on the understanding how each component of our body depends on the others. The course focuses on the mechanisms of body function from cells to systems and is organized around the central theme of homeostasis.
PM30116 Pharmacy Terminology
This course presents a study of basic medical/pharmacy terminology. Prefixes, suffixes,word roots, combining forms, special endings, plural forms, abbreviations, and symbols are included in the content. A programmed learning, word building system will be used to learn word parts that are used to construct or analyze new terms. This provides the opportunity to decipher unfamiliar terms and check their spelling. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation. Abbreviations will be introduced as related terms are presented.
PM30120 Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory ( Ⅲ )
In this course, we have three major objectives. Firstly, we will learn the basic techniques, which are necessary for performing chemical experiments in future. Secondly, we will get some experiences regarding the fundamental chemical properties of inorganic materials.
Thirdly, we will get some experiences regarding the fundamental chemical properties of organic materials.
Thirdly, we will get some experiences regarding the fundamental chemical properties of organic materials.
PM30128 Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory ( Ⅳ )
This class is designed for participants to understand the principles of the microbiological experiments important in pharmacology and experience the experiments.